The pickUp method consisted of making the robot move to the desired object then to lower his arms to reach for the object then for the gorilla to move his arm up and lift the object. The putDown method was simply for the gorilla to put whichever object was in his hand on the floor.
For the putInCloset method the gorilla had to wait untilt he closet door was opened and then he would enter the closet turn around and get out of it with the closet door closing behind him.
The putAway method had the pick up, put down and put in closet methods were the gorilla picked up the object , move in the closet , put the object down and move out of the closet.
To create the methods I had to first think of what was the gorilla going to do in each especific method. Then I had to animate one part at a time. For example I started to animate the gorillas left arm and the moved to do the same on his right arm.
A parameter acts as a place holder and allows you to place in different values. I used my parameters in the pickUp and putAway methods to change which object would be put away.
The Cleanup Robot project had me use everything I had learned so far in alice. methods , parameters , loops, etc. To me this is my second best project so far and the longest I have worked in.
After this project I had learned how to use methods with parameters that had other methods in them which also used parameters, a bit confusing yet I managed somehow. Ive also learned how to make an animation more fluent and natural, in this animation I had to take care of the details and movement of the gorilla to make it look more normal.
I just saw this as your project and I'm working on something similar. Is there anyway you can send me the file for this? It would help me start my own project. Thanks